Tissue culture explants were stored in the incubation room under aseptic conditions, 2.5-10 W lighting, temperature of 20-25 °C, and humidity of 80-90%. These condition are suitable for the physiology process of explants. Hot and dry environment will cause some disturbance on the metabolism process and could potentially lead to explant deaths.

The tissue culture laboratory of Badak LNG has cultivated various endemic plants of Kalimantan, such as: black orchid, pitcher plant, and carcass flower. The black orchid (Coelogyne pandurata) is mascot flora of East Kalimantan and Kelip orchid (Phalaenopsis bellina) is protected by Government Regulation No. P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes sp.) is a unique plant that lives in poor nutrient area so that its leaves are modified into fluid-filled pockets to trap insects and gain nitrogen. The East Kalimantan carcass flower (Amorphophallus sp.) has three life cycle: 1) the tuber will not grow roots and stems in the dormancy phase, 2) the tuber will actively grow roots and stems that are larger than before when conditions are right, 3) then it will produce flower in large size and carrion-smelled that attract flies for pollination.

Badak LNG plant culture laboratory has succeeded in growing various types of plants. Of the many types that exist, the main focus of this lab is on rare and endemic plants from Kalimantan.
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